The Great Margarita Hunt

Padre Latin Table and Cocktails

525 E Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90802

Tommy’s Margarita

Strawbiscus Margarita

Pepino Margarita

This was not our favorite stop of the night.  We sat at the bar and ordered some appetizers that took too long to arrive.  The food was good but the overall was not what we were expecting.
Tommy’s Margarita – Blanco Tequila, Organic Agave, Lime.  This is a margarita for eating your dinner.  We give it a 3 margarita glass rating out of 5.
Strawbiscus Margarita –  Tequila, Strawberry, Hibiscus, Organic Agave, Lime. We have friends that would love this strawberry margarita.  It is a little sweet for our taste.  We give it 3.5 margarita glasses.
Pepino Margarita – Blanco Tequila, Cucumber, Organic Agave, Lime. We would like the glass with a spice on the rim, but we enjoyed the margarita and give it a rating of 4 margarita glasses.

The hunt continues….

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